quinta-feira, 21 de agosto de 2014

Word of the day
Ogle: olhar amoroso, ansioso, provocador, olhar com ternura, ansiedade, cobiça, comer com os olhos
Synonyms:  leer (at)
“He sat at the bar, ogling several women.”
“He ogled the new cars on the lot.”
“I was ogling the dessert menu before my meal even arrived.”

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Phrases  with “time”:

Do time:  estar na prisão, cumprir pena
In time: a tempo de...  (I want to be home in  time for dinner.)
On time: na hora certa (The train was on time.)                   
Just in time: bem na hora


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Essa vida da gente

(crônicas e contos sobre o cotidiano)


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