sábado, 30 de maio de 2015

Word of the day: Blether

Word of the day

Blether (also blather): tagarelice, conversa fútil, tagarelar, falar bobagem
Synonyms: ado, ballyhoo, commotion, bluster, bother, bustle, clatter, coil, disturbance, fun, furor, fuss, helter-skelter, hubble-bubble, hullabaloo, hurly, hurly-burly, hurricane, hurry, moil, pandemonium, pother, row, ruckus, ruction, rumpus, squall, stew, stir, storm, to-do, tumult, turmoil
“Listening to a lot of blather from politicians about who's to blame for the bad economy.”
He wanted to retire quietly and without all the blather of an office send-off.” (www.merriam-webster.com)

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