Word of the day
Squishy: sentimental, piegas, meloso
Synonyms: flabby,
mushy, pulpy, spongy, squashy, soft, squooshy
“The ground was wet and squishy.”
“…those are awfully squishy
estimates for the final cost of a new football stadium…”
Anything but
-tudo menos (isso, isto) / qualquer coisa menos
“Intended to be clean and efficient
in a place that was anything but.”
(Destinado a ser limpo e eficiente
num lugar que era tudo menos isso.)
Game / “Jogo de Espiões” )
“I'll eat anything but mushrooms,” he said.”
comer qualquer coisa menos
cogumelos”, disse ele.)
(Conversação em Inglês:Frases e
Expressões Úteis- Flávio Cruz)
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