Word of the day
Gunk: qualquer substância oleosa, suja e grudenta
crud, dirt, grime, filth, muck, smut, soil
“The engine was all full
of gunk.”
“I need to wipe this gunk
off my hands.”
Don’t go there / Don’t even go there / Don’t even try to go there
-nem vem com isso /
-nem tente falar
“That was it for me, so don't even try to go there,” she told Mr. Morgan sharply, though he kept protesting
he had no intention of asking. ...”
(“Para mim chega, portanto nem tente falar nisso”, ela disse
categoricamente para o Sr. Morgan, embora ele continuasse insistindo que ele
não tinha intenção de perguntar...”
(www.nytimes.com / Jan.18, 2011)
Lançamento (contos de ficção científica):
Histórias do futuro ($ 3.99- e book)
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