domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014

Word of the day:Surly / Here’s the thing

Word of the day
Surly : de mau humor, aborrecido, carrancudo, rabugento, grosseiro, rude
Synonyms: glum, mopey, pouting, pouty, sullen, surly, having or showing a habitually bad temper, given to or displaying a resentful silence and often irritability, acid, bearish, bilious

 “The surly receptionist told us we'd have to wait outside in the rain.”
“…went about his chores in a surly huff, totally annoyed that he was stuck at home on this beautiful Saturday…” (

Obs.:surely seguramente


Here’s the thing
-o negócio é o seguinte
-é o seguinte
 “But here's the thing.  I retraced your exact steps according to your statement.
You couldn't have seen Detective Eckhart from there.  I mean, not in that fog.”
 (Mas o negócio é o seguinte. Eu refiz seus exatos passos de acordo com sua declaração. Você não poderia ter visto o detective Eckhart daqui. Quero dizer, não com esta neblina.)
(Insomnia  / “Insônia”)


À procura de Lucas

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