sexta-feira, 7 de setembro de 2018

Word of the day: Fret + idioms...

Fret: lamúria, choradeira, preocupação, inquietação, descontentamento, aborrecimento. atrito, desgaste, corrosão, amofinar-se, afligir(-se), queixar-se, corroer, desgastar(-se), esfregar, esfolar, , enrugar(-se), encrespar(-se) (a água
Synonyms dither, fluster, fuss, huff, lather, pother, stew, sweat, swelter, swivet, tizzy, twitter

“Germans fret about being unloved in Europe…”
It is natural for people to fret when dealing with cancer.  (
With your name on it: que está reservado especialmente para você

 “I got a heart with your name on it, name on it, I got a love…” (Heart with your name on it - GLORIA ESTEFAN)

under water - no negativo, no vermelho (Many borrowers these days are struggling because they are under water, meaning they owe more than their homes are worth.): Newsweek, Oct 09, 2008) Obviamente o termo acima também é usado em seu sentido literal.: (Was court even in session after the storm? No, everything was under water. The courts were closed.): Newsweek, Aug 24, 2006
under way - em andamento
under wraps - em segredo (a ser revelado)


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