quinta-feira, 28 de fevereiro de 2013

To my best recollection

To my best recollection
-até onde posso me lembrar
-pelo que posso me lembrar / pelo que me lembro
To my best recollection, it read: May your life preach louder than your lips. Amen.” 
(Pelo que me lembro, lia-se: Que sua vida faça um sermão melhor do que seus lábios. Amém.)
(www.nytimes.com / Dec.22, 2005)

Orange Bishop

American Birds

Leia mais sobre o Orange Bishop

Book in advance

Book in advance: fazer uma reserva antecipadamente

“If you want to eat at that restaurant, you should book a couple of weeks in advance.”
If you’re planning to go to London, you should consider booking your hotel in advance, because it’s cheaper that way.  (www.idiomeanings.com)

Word of the day: SHUNT

Shunt:  desvio, manobra (trem), chave de estrada de ferro, circuito secundário (eletr.), derivação, desviar, sair do caminho,  por de lado, livrar-se, manobrar um trem
Synonyms: shove, thrust, jolt, push, diversion, bypass, push, shove, move, shift, propel, force, thrust, jolt
Shunt them into walls.”
“So instead of simply overtaking your opponents, the game actively encourages you to shunt them into on coming traffic.”
“When she was six, she had an operation to adjust a shunt, which cut across her optic nerve and left her totally blind.”  (www.wordhippo.com)

quarta-feira, 27 de fevereiro de 2013

Have ants in one’s pants

Have ants in one’s pants: que está  impaciente, agitado / que não pára quieto

“My 8 year-old son has ants in his pants because he is going to watch a football match tomorrow. He’s so excited.”

“Roberta had ants in her pants because she had a presentation to give in her business class.”  (www.idiomeanings.com)

Word of the day: FLUKY

Fluky: casual, obtido por acaso, acidental, variável, volúvel, inconstante,
Synonyms: domestic, servant, lackey, menial, retainer, steward

“If he can't go himself, he'll send one of his flunkies.”
“Since I'm just the flunky who files his papers, I've no idea where he is.”

Fennel: erva-doce

Fennel: erva-doce

terça-feira, 26 de fevereiro de 2013

All hell breaks loose

All hell breaks loose: tudo se torna louco, desorganizado, caótico
“During the morning rush hour, all hell broke loose when there was a car crash on the bridge.”

“If my wife finds out about my girlfriend, all hell will break loose.” (www.idiomeanings.com)


Watercress: agrião

Word of the day: AMASS

Amass: acumular, aglomerar, amontoar, ajuntar, reunir
Synonyms: accumulate, gather, assemble, bulk (up), collect, concentrate, congregate, constellate, corral, garner, group, lump, pick up, round up
“They've amassed a wealth of information.”
“…amassed a truckload of donations in the course of their canned food drive…”  (www.merriam-webster.com)

segunda-feira, 25 de fevereiro de 2013

Word of the day: Quandary

Quandary: dúvida, dilema
Synonyms: catch-22, double bind, dilemma

 “The unexpected results of the test have created a quandary for researchers.”
“I'm in a quandary about whether I should try to repair my stereo or buy a new one, even though I don't have the money to do either.” (www.merriam-webster.com)

A dime a dozen

A dime a dozen: regular, comum, sem valor
“Rude people in New York City are a dime a dozen. Everywhere you go, there are rude people!”
“English teachers in Korea are a dime a dozen. There are so many English speakers here!”  (www.idiomeanings.com)

domingo, 24 de fevereiro de 2013



Nova crônica: Teia de Aranha

Stuck in a rut

Stuck in a rut: um estilo de vida “chato”que nunca muda
“Rodney felt that he was stuck in a rut, so he decided to go back to University to study dentistry.”

“I feel like I’m stuck in a rut because I don’t know what to do with my life.”  (www.idiomeanings.com)

Word of the day: CLAW

Claw: unha afiada, garra, pata com unhas afiadas, pinças, tesouras de caranguejo, garra, unha de martelo,  arranhão, arranhar, ferir, rasgar
Synonyms; talon, nail, hook, scrape, scratch, scrabble
“The eagle was carrying a mouse in its sharp claws.”
“The excavating machine's claw dug into the earth.”
“…the claw of a hammer…”
“She tried to claw his face with her fingernails.”   (www.merriam-webster.com)

sábado, 23 de fevereiro de 2013

Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale

Procol Harum - A Whiter Shade Of Pale

Fonte: www.metrolyrics.com
We skipped a light fandango,
Turned cartwheels 'cross the floor.
I was feeling kind of seasick,
But the crowd called out for more.
The room was humming harder,
As the ceiling flew away.
When we called out for another drink,
The waiter brought a tray.

And so it was that later,
As the miller told his tale,
That her face at first just ghostly,
Turned a whiter shade of pale.
She said there is no reason,
And the truth is plain to see
That I wandered through my playing cards,
And would not let her be
One of sixteen vestal virgins
Who were leaving for the coast.
And although my eyes were open,
They might just as well have been closed.

And so it was later,
As the miller told his tale,
That her face at first just ghostly,
Turned a whiter shade of pale.

Ruby Spice

Ruby Spice Native American Flowers

This summersweet is a sport of C. alnifolia 'Pink Spires'. Its fragrant, bottlebrush flowers are a darker pink; they attract butterflies, bees, and other insects in late summer and early fall. 'Ruby Spice' grows to about 4 to 6 feet tall and almost as wide, making this shrub suitable for a bed or border, a woodland or shade garden, or a waterside planting. Its yellow fall color extends the season of interest.

Word of the day: KINK

Kink: torção, dobra, nó, enroscamento, cãibra, torcicolo, excentricidade, esquisitice, mania, veneta, capricho, preferência sexual incomum
Synonyms: charley horse, crick, cramp, spasm
“…got a kink in my neck from lying in that awkward position for too long…”
“The boss's fondness for nicknames is one of those kinks that staffers just have to put up with.”  (www.merriam-webster.com)

sexta-feira, 22 de fevereiro de 2013

Wee hours:

Wee hours: primeiras horas da manhã / as primeiras horas depois da meia-noite
 “Because it is often the wee hours and holidays when things go completely out of control.”  (www.thedailybeast.com

Wild Bergamot

Wild Bergamot; Classificação

Native American Flowers

It’s a deal / This is a deal / Done deal

It’s a deal / This is a deal / Done deal
-temos um acordo
-negócio fechado
“Tell him $ $282.000 in a Grand Cayman account, and that's it.
$ 282.000? Okay, it's a dealOkay, it's a done deal.”
(Diga a ele: $ 282.000 numa conta em Grand Cayman, e é isso aí.
$ 282.000? Ok, negócio fechado. Ok, temos um acordo.)
(Spy Game / “Jogo de Espiões” )

Nutmeg: noz-moscada

Nutmeg:  noz-moscada

Word of the day: ZEALOT

Zealot: zelote, fanático, pessoa demasiadamente zelosa, entusiasta
Synonyms: crusader, fanatic, ideologue militant, partisan, red hot, true believer
Zealots on both sides of the issue resorted to name-calling and scare tactics.”
“A bright-eyed and naive young zealot, a priggish follower of the worldwide Tolstoyan movement that espouses celibacy.” (www.wordhippo.com)
Zealots on both sides of the issue resorted to name-calling and scare tactics.” (www.merriam-webster.com)

quinta-feira, 21 de fevereiro de 2013


Celery:  salsão, aipo

Há alguma coisa errada com o céu de Raymond

Para quem gosta de sci-fi:

Há alguma coisa errada com o céu de Raymond

Kick the can down the road

Kick the can down the road: procrastinar / adiar uma decisão,na esperança de que o problema desapareça ou de que outra pessoa o resolva
“You can't solve a debt problem with more debt. European leaders are just kicking the can down the road.” (www.macmillandictionary.com)
“The more they kick the can down the road, the worse the eventual correction will be.”([www.nytimes.com)

It figures

It figures

-faz sentido
“I think we've got a little protester on our hands.
Oh, it figures, I should've known this was gonna go on.”
(Eu acho que temos um pequeno rebelde em nossas mãos. Oh, faz sentido, eu deveria saber que isto iria acontecer.)
(Meet the Fockers / “Entrando Numa Fria Maior Ainda” )

Word of the day: FAWN

Fawn: bajular, “puxar o saco”, corço, gamo novo, cor do corço, castanho-amarelado, fulvo, fazer festas, sacudir a cauda (o cão)
Synonyms: apple-polish, bootlick, fuss, kowtow, toady, truckle
a sports star surrounded by fawning fans
“A student who could not wait to fawn over the new teacher.”
“She knew how to fawn on him. “(www.merriam-webster.com)

quarta-feira, 20 de fevereiro de 2013

It's up to you

It's up to you
-é com você… / você é  quem sabe                  
It's up to you.You can be a good boy, play by the rules...”
(É com você. Você pode ser um bom menino, ir de acordo com as regras…)
(Runaway Jury / “O Júri”)

It’s not the case / It’s just not the case

It’s not the case / It’s just not the case
-não é o caso / simplesmente não é o caso
It's not the case for Portugal. Unfortunately Ireland was forced to bail out its banks, and couldn't do it on its own...”
(Não é o caso de Portugal. Infelizmente a Irlanda foi forçada a resgatar seus bancos e não podia fazer isso sozinha...)
(www.nytimes.com / Jan.10, 2011)


Celery:  salsão, aipo

Word of the day: Shank

Shank: canela, parte da perna abaixo do joelho, perna,  talo, pé, haste, parte estreita do sapato, espiga de ferramenta
Definition: the long thin straight part of an object such as a key or a tool, the lower part of an animal's leg, or meat from an animal's leg,
the part of your leg between your knee and your foot

“Gnocchi comes with a lamb- shank ragu, while a pie crust blankets a goulash filling.” (www.wordhippo.com)
“…slashed at the prison guard with a shank he had secretly made from a scrap of metal…” (www.merriam-webster.com)

terça-feira, 19 de fevereiro de 2013

It doesn’t hurt…/ It won’t hurt…

It doesn’t hurt…/ It won’t hurt…

-não vai atrapalhar / não vai prejudicar
-não atrapalha / não vai atrapalhar
-não causa prejuízo
-não é nada mau
“There comes a time in a man's life and, uh, maybe that time for you is now, when it doesn't hurt to think about the future.”
(Há uma época na vida de um homem,e, talvez esta hora para você seja agora, quando não é nada mau pensar sobre o futuro.”
(Office Space / “Como Enlouquecer Seu Chefe” )

Word of the day: FAZE

Faze: perturbar, inquietar, aborrecer, irritar, importunar, intimidar.
Synonyms: abash, confound, confuse, discomfit, disconcert, discountenance, embarrass, fluster, mortify, nonplus, rattle

“You'll never succeed as a writer if you let a little bit of criticism faze you.”
“The collapse of part of the scenery didn't faze the actors one bit, and they just carried on.” (www.merriam-wbster.com)

Cannon fodder

Cannon fodder:   bucha de canhão/ soldados cujas vidas não são valorizadas e que podem ser usados na guerra / pessoas que são usadas por outras para se alcançar um objetivo, sem a preocupação de que elas possam ser prejudicadas ou machucadas
“That poor guy was nothing more than a cannon fodder.”

segunda-feira, 18 de fevereiro de 2013

Pardon my French

Excuse my French / Pardon my French
-desculpem minha linguagem
-me desculpe(m) pela linguagem
-“desculpe(m) meu francês”
Pardon my French, but I don’t give a shit.”
(Me desculpe a linguagem, mas eu não dou a mínima.)



Word of the day: REEK

Reek: cheiro forte, desagradável, fumaça, vapor, neblina, emitir um cheiro forte e desagradável, emitir fumaça ou vapores,estar molhado de suor ou sangue,  estar impregnado de qualquer umidade fétida
Synonyms: funk, stink, stench
“…a terrible reek coming from the garbage can…”
“We couldn't see through the reek of smog and smoke surrounding the steel plant.”  (www.merriam-wbster.com)

Sweet tooth

Sweet tooth:  vontade de comer doce
“I have a sweet tooth, and if I don't watch it, I'll really get fat.”
“John eats candy all the time. He must have a sweet tooth.”  (www.thefreedicionary.com

domingo, 17 de fevereiro de 2013



Nova crônica: A Criação: o sétimo dia

Nova crônica: A Criação: o sétimo dia

New York Times: compra da HEINZ pelo grupo 3G Capital e Warren Buffett

New York Times: anunciada a compra da HEINZ pelo grupo 3G Capital  e Warren Buffett
($ 23 B)

Na folha, em português


Turnip:  nabo

pick on / at (someone)

pick on / at (someone) 
(ser muito crítico em relação a alguém, perturbar alguém, dizer ou fazer coisas más para alguém, "pegar no pé')
Jane  is always picking on her boyfriend for any small thing he says.  = Jane está sempre criticando seus namorado por qualquer coisinha que ele diz.
Why are you always picking at me?  = Por que você está sempre me criticando?
And I hate to pick on the company that pays my bills, but The Washington Post's preemptive act of contrition for using an illustration of…(Newsweek, February 28, 2009) = E eu detesto a ideia de criticar a companhia que paga minhas contas…

Word of the day: TWINGE

Twinge: pontada, dor aguda e penetrante, dor emocional, remorso, doer, ferir, atormentar, sentir dores agudas
Synonyms: ache, pang, prick, shoot, smart, sting, stitch, throe, tingle, pain
“He felt a twinge of arthritis when he stood up.”
“I still feel an occasional twinge in my leg from the accident.”
“I felt a twinge of guilt.”
“I must admit to a twinge of envy.” (www.merriam-wbster.com)

sábado, 16 de fevereiro de 2013

The Marmalade - Reflections Of My Life

The Marmalade - Reflections Of My Life

Fonte: www.lyrics007.com
The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

The greetings of people in trouble
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

Oh my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home

Oh my crying (Oh my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back
to my own home

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

I'm changing, arranging,
I'm changing,
I'm changing everything
Everything around me

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

The world is
a bad place
A bad place
A terrible place to live
Oh but I don't want to dieFonte: www.lyrics007.com
The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

The greetings of people in trouble
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

Oh my sorrows
Sad tomorrows
Take me back to my own home

Oh my crying (Oh my crying)
Feel I'm dying, dying
Take me back
to my own home

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

I'm changing, arranging,
I'm changing,
I'm changing everything
Everything around me

The changing of sunlight to moonlight
Reflections of my life
Oh how they fill my eyes

The world is
a bad place
A bad place
A terrible place to live
Oh but I don't want to die