sexta-feira, 30 de maio de 2014

Word of the day: Lurch / Change of heart / Punography

Word of the day

Lurch: desamparo, abandono, balanço brusco, guinada, balançar, ficar de emboscada
Synonyms: heave, motion, roll, listing, stagger, wobble

“They just lurch around in a sea of uncertainty and can potentially be seized by any attractive force that comes across their path.”
“A person with lower back pain or hip pain often will limp with a lurch over to the side of the weight supporting limb.”


Change of heart: mudança de opinião, de attitude ou de sentimentos

“The government seems to have had a change of heart about nursery education.”



MINI DICIONÁRIO de idioms, phrasal verbs e mais

quarta-feira, 28 de maio de 2014

Word of the day Disparaging / at the very least

Word of the day
Disparaging: afrontoso, depreciativo, aviltante

Synonyms: bad-mouth, belittle, cry down, denigrate, deprecate, depreciate, derogate, diminish

“Voters don't like political advertisements in which opponents disparage one another.”
“It's a mistake to disparage their achievements.”
“The article disparaged polo as a game for the wealthy.”   (


At least / At the very least
-pelo menos / ao menos
-no mínimo
At least they gave us a discount.”
(Pelo menos eles nos deram um desconto.)
(Batman Begins)
 “ At the very least, she should have been made aware of that.”
(No mínimo,  ela deveria ter sido advertida disso.)
( / Feb. 9, 2011)

(Conversação em Inglês:Frases e Expressões Úteis- Flávio Cruz)


terça-feira, 27 de maio de 2014

Word of the day: Brood / Marty Robbins

Word of the day:

Brood:  ninhada, filhotes, parentesco, linhagem, laia, raça, descendência, prole, meditar, pensar, afagar, amimar,preocupar-se com alguma coisa
Synonyms: set, hatch, incubate, sit, ruminate, worry, mope, dwell on, fret, agonize, litter, family, clutch

“…a hen and her brood of chicks…”
“Mrs. Smith took her brood to church every Sunday.”
“He brooded over his mistake.” (


Vídeo: The Girl With Gardenias In Her Hair (Marty Robbins)

Lyrics:   (Fonte:

One starry night in a little town in old Mexico
I found my love down by the sea where soft trade winds blow
She came in the night with perfume that sweetened the air
And I lost my heart to the girl with gardenias in her hair
I glanced her way she smiled and my heart started to sing
She came into my arms and the night became a sweet magic thing
When I held her close I knew I'd follow her anywhere
And I lost my heart to the girl with gardenias in her hair
We shared through the night our love until the first light of dawn
Then one last kiss and like a whisper on the wind she was gone
I go each night to the places where she once spoke my name
Some call me fool they say I'm chasing only a dream
But I know one day I'll turn and suddenly she'll be there
And I'll spend my life with the girl with gardenias in her hair


segunda-feira, 26 de maio de 2014

“Millenials” or “millennial generation” / Word of the day: Stoop

Word of the day

Stoop:  inclinação para a frente (da cabeça e dos ombros), condescendência, arremesso de ave de rapina sobre a presa, curvar, dobrar-se,  baixar-se, humilhar-se,  sacada, varanda na entrada de uma casa, poste, pilar
Synonyms: deign, condescend, a porch, platform, entrance stairway

“She stooped down to hug the child.”
“He had to stoop to pick it up.”
“He tends to stoop as he walks.”    (


“Millenials” or “millennial generation”

Termo usado para se referir à geração nascida de 1980 para frente, criada e educada dentro da tecnologia digital e mídia de massa; os filhos da geração dos anos 60 / Conhecida também como Geração Y

Mais detalhes:

domingo, 25 de maio de 2014

Word of the day: Squishy / Anything but

Word of the day

Squishy:  sentimental, piegas, meloso

Synonyms: flabby, mushy, pulpy, spongy, squashy, soft, squooshy
“The ground was wet and squishy.”
“…those are awfully squishy estimates for the final cost of a new football stadium…”


Anything but
-tudo menos (isso, isto)  / qualquer coisa menos
“Intended to be clean and efficient in a place that was anything but.”
(Destinado a ser limpo e eficiente num lugar que era tudo menos isso.)
(Spy Game / “Jogo de Espiões” )
 “I'll eat anything but mushrooms,” he said.”
(“Vou comer qualquer coisa menos cogumelos”, disse ele.)
( / Feb. 7, 2011)

(Conversação em Inglês:Frases e Expressões Úteis- Flávio Cruz) 


quinta-feira, 22 de maio de 2014

Word of the day: Scoop / Movie quotes

Word of the day: Scoop

Scoop:  pá, concha, colherão, escavação, cavidade arredondada. espátula, cureta, furo jornalístico, lucro,escavar, cavar, tirar (com concha
Synonyms: bucket, lade, ladle, dip, spoon, dipper, ladle, spoon

“She always knows the scoop.”
“Here's the scoop on how to clean leather.”
“She has a job scooping ice cream.”
“He scooped flour into the bowl.”            (


Famous movie quotes

Today, I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth.
If you build it, he will come.
Mama always said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're gonna get.
We rob banks.
I see dead people.
Oh, Jerry, don't let's ask for the moon. We have the stars.
Well, nobody's perfect.



quarta-feira, 21 de maio de 2014

Word of the day: Completion / for a change

Word of the day
Completion:  completamento, acabamento, conclusão, inteireza
Synonyms: conclusion, close, achievement, accomplishment, end, finishing point
“He will receive his degree upon completion of his studies.”
“The quarterback has 11 completions in 20 attempts for 80 yards.”


For a change: “para variar”, no lugar do que se costuma fazer

“Why don't you let me drive for a change?”
“It's nice to hear some good news for a change.”


Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

terça-feira, 20 de maio de 2014

Word of the day : Wince / Good as gold

Word of the day

Wince:  estremecimento, estremecer, tremer, recuar, assustar-se
Synonyms: blench, cringe, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, flinch
“…winced at the movie's graphic depiction of combat injuries…”  (


Good as gold: muito bom (normalmente usado para crianças)

Mother: Thank you for taking care of Gretchen; I hope she hasn't been too much trouble.
Grandmother: Not at all; she's been as good as gold.



MINI DICIONÁRIO de idioms, phrasal verbs e mais

domingo, 18 de maio de 2014

Word of the day: Wee / And so on and so forth / It's too late

Word of the day

Wee: pequenino, minúsculo, pouco, muito cedo, xixi (usado para crianças), bem pouco
Synonyms: atomic, bitsy, bitty, infinitesimal, itty-bitty (or itsy-bitsy), little bitty, microminiature

“He's just a wee lad.”

wee hours = primeiras horas da manhã


And so on / And so forth / And so on and so forth 

-e assim vai                                                                                                        
-e assim por diante     
 “…education sector, health care sector and so on and so forth. Particularly for those in the transport…”
( ...setor de educação, setor de saúde e assim por diante. Particularmente para aqueles do setor de transporte...)
( / Dec. 17, 2009)
“… I started to measure our franchisees' performance — speed of service, profitability and so forth…”
(... comecei a avaliar a performance de nossos franqueados – rapidez de serviço, lucratividade, e assim por diante...)
( /Jan. 2, 2011)

(Conversação em Inglês:Frases e Expressões Úteis- Flávio Cruz)


Carole King - It's Too Late


Stayed in bed all morning just to pass the time
There's something wrong here, there can be no denying
One of us is changing, or maybe we've stopped trying

And it's too late, baby, now it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died and I can't hide
And I just can't fake it

It used to be so easy living here with you
You were light and breezy and I knew just what to do
Now you look so unhappy, and I feel like a fool

And it's too late, baby, now it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died and I can't hide
And I just can't fake it

There'll be good times again for me and you
But we just can't stay together, don't you feel it too
Still I'm glad for what we had, and how I once loved you

But it's too late, baby, it's too late
Though we really did try to make it
Something inside has died and I can't hide


Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades