sexta-feira, 29 de agosto de 2014

Word of the day: Muddle / Just to name a few / bottom line

Word of the day
Muddle: confusão, desordem, confundir, desorganizar, desnortear, tontear com bebidas alcoólicas
Synonyms:  baffle, bamboozle,, befog, befuddle, bemuse, bewilder, confound

“ A car shopper thoroughly muddled by too much well-meaning advice. “
“Some mischievous brat had muddled the household accounts.”


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bottom line – o ponto decisivo, o fundo da questão
“The bottom line is that Saudi Arabia would like to see a lower price.” (, March 29, 2012)

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Just to name a few: só para citar alguns (algumas)
"all its French expressions , aide-de-camp, deja vu, maladroit, just to name a few, of those I found in..." (Newsweek, June 29, 2003)

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Essa vida da gente

(crônicas e contos sobre o cotidiano)


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