terça-feira, 30 de setembro de 2014

Word of the day: Tantrum / second thoughts

Word of the day
Tantrum: furor, mau humor, acesso de raiva
Synonyms:  a fit of bad temper, blowup, explosion, fireworks

“…had a tantrum when he found his little sister using his model paints…”



second thoughts - dúvidas (sobre algo decidido anteriormente), repensar (have second thoughts...) algo que já havia sido decidido (He's having second thoughts about his recent decision.)


Lançamento (contos de ficção científica):

Histórias do futuro    ($ 3.99- e book)


segunda-feira, 29 de setembro de 2014

Word of the day: Smother / zeal, seal

Word of the day
Smother: fumaceira, poeirada, sufocamento, sufocar, abafar, cobrir com camada grossa, apagar, extinguir, reter, reprimir, suprimir

Synonyms: choke, stifle, strangle, suffocate, thick stifling smoke or smudge, a dense cloud

“He tried to smother her with a pillow.”
“She smothered the fire with a blanket.”




zelo, fervor
selar, lacrar, foca

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Lançamento no Clube de Autores:  Insólito

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domingo, 28 de setembro de 2014

Word of the day: Wreak / BRAZIL - Johnny Mathis (Aquarela do Brasil)

Word of the day
Wreak:  desafogar, descarregar, saciar         
Synonyms:  cause, inflict, create, bring about, do

“Gangs have been wreaking mayhem in the city.”

Mayhem= confusão acompanhada de desordem e destruição,
mutilação intencional de uma pessoa


BRAZIL - Johnny Mathis 

(Aquarela do Brasil-versão em Inglês)

Fonte: http://www.sing365.com

Brazil, where hearts were entertaining June,
We stood beneath an amber moon
And softly murmured someday soon
We kissed and clung together,

Then, tomorrow was another day
The morning found me miles away
With still a million things to say;

Now, when twilight dims the sky above
Recalling thrills of our love,
There's one thing I'm certain of
Return I will to old Brazil

Brazil - the Brazil that I knew
Where I wandered with you is in my imagination
Where the songs of passion and the smile has flesh in it
Where the kiss has art in it
For you put your heart in it
And so, I feel the glow
Brazil, where hearts were entertaining June,

We stood beneath an amber moon
And softly murmured someday soon
We kissed and clung together,

Then, tomorrow was another day
The morning found me miles away
With still a million things to say;

Now, when twilight dims the sky above
Recalling thrills of our love,
There's one thing I'm certain of
Return I will to old Brazil


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sábado, 27 de setembro de 2014

Word of the day: Gunk / Don’t go there / Don’t even go there / Don’t even try to go there

Word of the day

Gunk: qualquer substância oleosa, suja e grudenta
Synonyms: crud, dirt, grime, filth, muck, smut, soil

“The engine was all full of gunk.”
“I need to wipe this gunk off my hands.”


Don’t go there / Don’t even go there / Don’t even try to go there

-nem vem com isso / essa
-nem tente falar nisso
“That was it for me, so don't even try to go there,” she told Mr. Morgan sharply, though he kept protesting he had no intention of asking. ...”
(“Para mim chega, portanto nem tente falar nisso”, ela disse categoricamente para o Sr. Morgan, embora ele continuasse insistindo que ele não tinha intenção de perguntar...”
(www.nytimes.com / Jan.18, 2011)


Lançamento (contos de ficção científica):

Histórias do futuro    ($ 3.99- e book)


sexta-feira, 26 de setembro de 2014

Word of the day: Stray /Vicious

Word of the day
Stray: pessoa errante, animal desgarrado, estática, ruído parasita, vaiar, errar, andar a esmo,  desviar-se, desgarrar, desgarrado, errante, extraviado, isolado.
Synonyms: aimless, arbitrary, desultory, erratic, haphazard, hit-or-miss, scattered, random

“The airplane strayed off course.”
“Our straying son swears he's returned to the straight and narrow.”



vicious  -  (vicioso / feroz, agressivo)
 Além do significado de “vicioso”, como em Português, a palavra “vicious” pode significar  “feroz, agressivo”, o que não acontece em Português.
 We would go behind his house because he had a vicious dog. = Nós fomos por trás da casa pois ele tinha um cão feroz.
 Obs.: como em Português temos a expressão “círculo vicioso”=  “vicious circle"

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quinta-feira, 25 de setembro de 2014

Word of the day: Wreak / suffer a setback

Word of the day
Wreak:  desafogar, descarregar, saciar         
Synonyms:  cause, inflict, create, bring about, do

“Gangs have been wreaking mayhem in the city.”

Mayhem= confusão acompanhada de desordem e destruição,
mutilação intencional de uma pessoa



suffer a setback - ter um revés ou contratempo temporário


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