segunda-feira, 31 de março de 2014

Word of the day: Morass

Morass: pântano, paul, brejo, situação extremamente confusa
Synonyms: entanglement, web, net, noose, quagmire, quicksand, snare, tanglement, toil(s), trap

“The distracted driver had driven his car off the road and into a morass.”


domingo, 30 de março de 2014

Los Angeles (something maybe you don't know...)

Para não agredir a visão...

Secret oil rigs

Word of the day: Squabble

Squabble: briga, barulho, brigar, disputar, fazer barulho
Synonyms: altercation, battle royal, bicker, brawl, contretemps, controversy, cross fire, disagreement, dispute, altercate, argufy, bicker, brawl, controvert, dispute

“The children were squabbling over the toys.”
“The children squabbled loudly over who got to play with the toy first.”
“Frightened by noise of the squabble, the cat hid under the couch.”


sábado, 29 de março de 2014

Word of the day: Allay

Allay: acalmar, tranquilizar, aquietar, aliviar, suavizar, diminuir, atenuar, moderar
Synonyms: dispel, calm, alleviate, assuage, relieve, put to rest

“Police sought to allay public fears; now they face the task of doing it all over again.”          (

Content, contempt, contempt of court

content -  ( contente, feliz, contentar)
contempt  - ( desprezo)
contempt of court - ( desacato à autoridade do tribunal)

Embora não seja tão comum quanto seu sinônimo “happy”em Inglês, a palavra “content” pode ser usada no significado de “contente”, mas além disso pode significar “conteúdo” , pronunciando-se de uma maneira  ligeiramente diferente neste caso (consultar a última parte deste livro sobre este tópico)

But for now, the voting populations of the developing nations are content with their captains in this storm. (Newsweek, July 9, 2009) = Mas por enquanto, as populações das nações em desenvolvimento que votam, estão contentes com seus capitães nesta tempestade.
The teacher seems fairly content with his students.= O professor parece bem contente com seus alunos.
The candidate said he was responsible for the content of this advertisement. = O candidato disse que ele era responsável pelo conteúdo deste anúncio.
Yet none of this quite explains the growing African contempt for a man once seen as a revolutionary hero. (Newsweek, June 28, 2009) Ainda assim, nada disso explica bem o crescente desprezo Africano por um homem  antes visto como um herói revolucionário.

…said he is examining whether anyone “obstructed justice, made false statements, or acted in contempt of court”(Newsweek, June 28, 2009) = disse que ele está examinando se alguém “obstruiu a Justiça, fez falsas declarações, ou agiu com desacato à autoridade do tribunal”…

Jerry Lee Lewis - Great balls of fire

Flashback: First posted on November 4th 2012

Jerry Lee Lewis - Great balls of fire

You shake my nerves and you rattle my brain
Too much love drives a man insane
You broke my will
But what a thrill
Goodness gracious great balls of fire!
I laughed at love cause I thought it was funny
but you came along and moooooved me honey
I've changed my mind 
This love is fine
Goodness gracious great balls of fire! 
Kiss me baby
Mmmm feels good
Hold me baby
Welll I want to love you like a lover should
You're fine, so kind
Got to tell this world that you're mine mine mine mine
I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm real nervous but it sure is fun
C'mon baby, you drive me crazy
Goodness gracious great balls of fire!
Welll kiss me baby
Mmmm feels good
Hold me baby
Welll I want to love you like a lover should
You're fine, so kind
Got to tell this world that you're mine mine mine mine
I chew my nails and I twiddle my thumbs
I'm real nervous but it sure is fun
C'mon baby, drive me crazy
Goodness gracious great balls of fire!

sexta-feira, 28 de março de 2014

Grave, gravy

cova, sepultura
molho (de carne)


Bottom line: o ponto final, o fundo da questão, o ponto essencial ou principal de algo (em negócios ou finanças, a última linha de um relatório mostrando lucro ou perda)
"The bottom line is, you need to go after the predators.( / June 15, 2012)

Punch line (ou punchline):frase ou palavra final de uma narrativa ou de uma piada, que produz o efeito final desejado para a mesma ou que a explica
 “ Jon Huntsman may not be delivering in the polls, but he can sure deliver a punch line.” (Newsweek / November 20, 2011)

Fine line:  linha tênue ( pouca distinção, pouca diferença)
Geralmente usado na frase “ There’s a fine line between...”
“For example, there's a fine line between genius and madness, or love and hate.” (

quinta-feira, 27 de março de 2014

Word of the day: Knackered

Knackered: exausto
Synonyms:  tired, exhausted

“She was knackered after a hard day of work and decided not to join us for an evening out.”  (


Lançamento de novo livro: ESTRANHAS HISTÓRIAS II


As the crow flies

As the crow flies - linha direta entre dois pontos, a maneira mais reta

It's about 2 miles as the crow flies from Pohaku Moiliili to Ilio Point. (

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill your heart like no three words could ever do

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
baby of my heart 

quarta-feira, 26 de março de 2014

Word of the day: Sickly

Sickly: doente, doentio, fraco, suscetível à doença,repugnante, que causa doença ou enjoo, pálido, fraco, de maneira doente
Synonyms:  ailing, invalid, weakly
“The walls were painted a sickly yellow.”
“The lamp gave off a sickly glow.”
Sickliness: indisposição, mal-estar, repugnância, insalubridade

Sickness:  doença, enfermidade, náusea, vômito
Sick: doente

Word of the day: Shirk

Shirk: vagabundo, pessoa que foge do trabalho, esquivar-se, faltar ao dever, fugir do trabalho
Synomyms: evade, avoid, duck, get out of, wriggle out of, shun, dodge

“We cannot shirk our responsibilities; indeed, we do not want to shirk those responsibilities.”          (

Tell apart (two things or people)

Tell apart (two things or people)

(distinguir entre duas pessoas ou coisas)
I can’t tell these two teachers apart. = Não consigo distinguir estes dois professores um do outro

It is hard to tell the two actors apart. = É difícil distinguir os dois atores um do outro

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

terça-feira, 25 de março de 2014

Have dibs on something

Have dibs on something: declarar-se com direito a algo, ter direito a algo (geralmente usado por crianças)

“I have dibs on the last piece of cake. John has dibs on the last piece again. It isn't fair.”

Talk (someone) into (doing something)

Talk (someone) into (doing something)

(convencer, persuadir alguém a fazer algo)
Peter talked his mother into giving him money for the party.  =  Peter persuadiu sua mãe a lhe dar dinheiro para a festa.
Tom talked his sister into taking the day off to help him with his homework. = Tom

convenceu sua irmã a tirar o dia de folga para ajudá-lo com seu trabalho de casa.
Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Word of the da: Heed

Heed: cuidado, atenção, cautela, prestar atenção, acautelar, cuidar, atender
Synonyms: follow, listen (to), mind, note, observe, regard, watch advertence, advertency, awareness, cognizance, consciousness, attention, knowledge, note, notice, observance

“She failed to heed the warnings.”
“If we had heeded the ranger's advice, we might not have gotten lost.”

“…took heed of the student's learning disability so as to arrive at reasonable expectations for him…”    (

segunda-feira, 24 de março de 2014

Talk (one’s) way into

Talk (one’s) way into

(através de persuasão conseguir  ou evitar algo)
He knows how to talk his way into higher positions in the company.  =  Ele sabe como, através de persuasão, chegar a posições mais altas na companhia.

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Word of the day: Wistful

Wistful: saudoso, desejoso, anelante, ansiante, ávido, pensativo, sério, calado, melancólico, tristonho
Synonyms: pensive, melancholy, thoughtful, reflective, contemplative, regretful, sad, longing

“Sweet sentiment and wistful introspection.

“Set in a surreal painted desert, Krazy Kat is the story of an eternal love triangle between a wistful, naive cat, a wily mouse, Ignatz.”   (

domingo, 23 de março de 2014

Take its toll

Take its toll

(afetar, causar perda, sofrimento estrago, prejudicar)

The industrial pollination may be starting to take its toll on the bees.(Time, March 23) = A polinização industrial pode estar prejudicando as abelhas.
This diet maybe could take its toll on young people who need more than regular… Esta dieta talvez possa prejudicar as pessoas jovens que…

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

Florida funny car plates

Word of the da: Peeve

Peeve: irritar, exacerbar, aborrecer
Synonyms: irritation, bugbear, vexation, nuisance, bother, annoyance, irritant, headache, hassle

“She is constantly peeved by his habit of humming show tunes while she is trying to focus on her work.”  (


Pet peeve:  algo que irrita muito, motivo frequente de reclamações ou discussões

sábado, 22 de março de 2014

Word of the day; Rube

Rube: pessoa simples, ingênua, rústica, jeca
Synonyms: bumpkin, chawbacon, churl, countryman, hayseed, hillbilly, provincial, hick, rustic

“They treated us as if we were a bunch of rubes.”

“Rural voters were tired of being treated as rubes by state officials, who showed interest in them only at election time.”    (

pheasant / peasant

pheasant: faisão

peasant:  camponês, lavrador, agricultor, pessoa rústica, caipira, camponês, rústico

Lulu "To Sir With Love"

Lulu "To Sir With Love"


Those schoolgirl days
Of telling tales, and biting nails, are gone
But in my mind, 
I know they will still live on and on
But how do you thank someone
Who has taken you from crayons to perfume?
It isn't easy, but I'll try
If you wanted the sky, 
I would write across the sky in letters, 
That would soar a thousand feet high:
"To Sir, With Love"

Those awkward years
Have hurried by. Why did they fly away?
Why is it, Sir, 
Children grow up to be people one day?
What takes the place of climbing trees, 
And dirty knees in the world outside?
What is there for you I can buy?
If you wanted the world, 
I'd surround it with walls. I'd scrawl
In letters ten feet tall:
"To Sir, With Love"

The time has come
For closing books; and long last looks must end
And as I leave, 
I know that I am leaving my best friend
A friend who taught me right from wrong, 
And weak from strong -- that's a lot to learn
What -- what can I give you in return?
If you wanted the moon, 
I would try to make a start... but I
Would rather you let me give my heart
To Sir, With Love

sexta-feira, 21 de março de 2014

Word of the day: Shun

Shun: evitar, afastar-se, marginalizar
Synonyms: avoid, turn away from, spurn, reject, eschew, ignore, shirk, recoil from, balk at, shrink from

“And they did not shun from showing this ancient land the respect it deserved.”

“But the weird thing is that most of the coffee connoisseurs shun Brazilian coffee.”

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