quarta-feira, 29 de outubro de 2014

O Brasil no Washington Post // Word of the day: Boisterous

Word of the day
Boisterous:  tumultuoso, impetuoso, tempestuoso, tormentoso., violento, rude, turbulento, barulhento
Synonyms: hell-raising, knockabout, rambunctious, raucous, robustious, roisterous, rollicking, rowdy

“A large and boisterous crowd attended the concert.”
“The fans at the baseball game became particularly boisterous after the home run.” (www.merriam-webster.com)


Paralelo 38 e outras histórias
Paralelo 38 e outras histórias

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segunda-feira, 27 de outubro de 2014

New York Times: o resultado das eleições / Word of the day: Hone

Brazil Stays With Rousseff as President After Turbulent Campaign


Hone: afiar, amolar, refinar, melhorar / pedra de afiar, de amolar
Synonyms: to sharpen or smooth with a whetstone, to make more acute, intense, or effective, whetstone

“… the best male and female players have been traveling to tournaments around the world to hone their skills and…”(www.latimes.com / May 21, 2012)
Finish by using a sharpening steel to hone the blade, then rinse and wipe the blade dry to remove any metal particles.
(www. culinaryarts.about.com)


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domingo, 26 de outubro de 2014

O Brasil e as eleições no New York Times

O Brasil e as eleições no New York Times:

As Brazil’s Presidential Race Draws to Close, Voters Lament Its Ugliness


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Elections (Brazil) : Lindsay Lohan’s Support // Word of the day: Dreadful

Presidential Challenger in Brazil Forced to Carry On Without Lindsay Lohan’s Support


Word of the day

Dreadful: terrível, formidável, horrível, espantoso, temível, que impõe respeito, desagradável, ruim, extremo, excessivo
Synonyms: alarming, dire, direful, dread, fearful, fearsome, forbidding, formidable, frightening, frightful, terrible, terrifying

“Her performance was absolutely dreadful.”
“Those children have such dreadful manners.” (www.merriam-webster.com


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sábado, 25 de outubro de 2014

X-37B space plane / Word of the Day: Deterrent

Unmanned X-37B space plane lands, its exact mission a mystery


Word of the day

Deterrent:  meio de intimidação, impedimento, estorvo, restringente
Synonyms: admonishing, wet blanket, alarming, warning, admonitory, prohibitive,  obstacle, discouraging

 “ …they raise the price of oil. That’s like raising interest rates. That’s the ultimate deterrent.”
Newsweek, January 10, 2011


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sexta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2014

Conservatives gaining force in Brazil Congress // Word of the day: Gripe

Conservatives gaining force in Brazil Congress

(Washington Post)


Word of the day

Gripe: agarramento, aperto, belisco, controle, domínio, cabo, alça, garras, agarrar, pegar
Synonyms: aggravate, annoy, bother, bug, eat, exasperate, frost, get, grate, irritate, irk, itch, ruffle, spite, grumble

“I would rather not listen to gripes about your latest disasters in the dating game.”
“All of the workers were griping about the new regulations.”
“The students griped that they had too much homework.”
( www.merriam-webster.com)


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quinta-feira, 23 de outubro de 2014

Creek / Greek / Crick // Word of the day: Tussle

Word of the day
Tussle: luta, briga, contenda, lutar, brigar
Synonyms: battle, clash, combat, conflict, contest
“The two basketball players tussled for the ball.”
“The residents of the neighborhood tussled with city hall for years about the broken parking meters.”



cãibra (also cramp), dor repentina

Pequeno Dicionário de Dicas e Dificuldades

creek                             Greek                       crick


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terça-feira, 21 de outubro de 2014

Word of the day: Quaint Quaint / Don’t get started

Word of the day: Quaint

Quaint:  estranho, esquisito, singular, fantástico
Synonyms: bizarre, cranky, crazy, curious, eccentric, erratic, far-out, funky, funny, kinky, kooky, offbeat, outlandish, out-of-the-way, peculiar, odd, queer, quirky, remarkable, screwy, spaced-out

“The fishing village was very quaint.”
“The writer talks about the quaint customs of the natives.”
“Almost everything in the quaint little town beguiles, from its architecture to its art to its people.” (www.merriam-webster.com)

a quaint house...


Don’t get started
-nem começa!
-não começa com isto!
-nem vem com essa!
Don’t get started! We’ll do things as I had planned and that’s it.”
(Nem começa! Vamos fazer as coisas como eu tinha planejado e está acabado.)


À procura de Lucas

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domingo, 19 de outubro de 2014

Word of the day:Surly / Here’s the thing

Word of the day
Surly : de mau humor, aborrecido, carrancudo, rabugento, grosseiro, rude
Synonyms: glum, mopey, pouting, pouty, sullen, surly, having or showing a habitually bad temper, given to or displaying a resentful silence and often irritability, acid, bearish, bilious

 “The surly receptionist told us we'd have to wait outside in the rain.”
“…went about his chores in a surly huff, totally annoyed that he was stuck at home on this beautiful Saturday…” (www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary)

Obs.:surely seguramente


Here’s the thing
-o negócio é o seguinte
-é o seguinte
 “But here's the thing.  I retraced your exact steps according to your statement.
You couldn't have seen Detective Eckhart from there.  I mean, not in that fog.”
 (Mas o negócio é o seguinte. Eu refiz seus exatos passos de acordo com sua declaração. Você não poderia ter visto o detective Eckhart daqui. Quero dizer, não com esta neblina.)
(Insomnia  / “Insônia”)


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sexta-feira, 17 de outubro de 2014

Word of the day Pummel: LIFE, LIVE...

Word of the day
Pummel: esmurrar, surrar
Synonyms: pound, punch, bash, baste, bat, batter, belabor, belt, birch, bludgeon, buffet, bung up, club, curry, do, drub, flog, hammer
“Storm-ravaged residents of New York and New Jersey began urgent recovery efforts Tuesday after a nighttime pummeling from Hurricane Sandy, which caused widespread flooding…” (www.washingtonpost.com/oct 31 2012)
“…pummeled the mugger with her fists until help arrived…”(www.merriam-webster.com)




live (adj)


leave (left, left)
deixar, abandonar


Pl. de “leaf” / 3a. pessoa pres. “to leave”


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