quinta-feira, 24 de maio de 2012

Three fun facts about U.S. presidents

Three fun facts about U.S. presidents:
The only president to be unanimously elected was George Washington (1732-1799). He also refused to accept his presidential salary, which was $25,000 a year.
(Coisa rara: recusar o salário! Muuuuito rara!)
Grover Cleveland was the only president in history to hold the job of a hangman. He was once the sheriff of Erie County, New York, and twice had to spring the trap at a hanging.
( Presidente carrasco? Alguns são piores que isso…)
The “S” in Harry S Truman doesn’t stand for anything; therefore, there is no period after his middle initial.
(Apenas um S – não é uma abreviação, portanto o sobrenome mais curto que existe!)
Washington      Grover Cleveland      Harry S Truman

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