domingo, 1 de junho de 2014

Word of / the day: Wary / Are you out of your mind? Annies Song- John Denver (com a letra)

Wary:  cuidadoso, cauteloso, circunspecto, prudente, precavido, ponderado,  atento, alerta
Synonyms: alert, cautious, chary, circumspect, conservative, considerate, gingerly, guarded, heedful, safe, careful

“The store owner kept a wary eye on him.”
“Investors are increasingly wary about putting money into stocks.”
Weary = cansar(-se), fatigar(-se), aborrecer(-se), enfastiar(-se), cansado,
 fatigado, exausto


Are you out of your mind? 

-você  está / ficou louco?
-onde você está com a cabeça?                                                                             
“What are you suggesting? That he come here and stay in my room? Are you out of your mind?”                                                                                                                                      
 (O que você está sugerindo?Que ele venha e fique em meu quarto? Você ficou louco?)                                                                                                                                                                                       (The Royal Tenenbaums / “Os Excêntricos Tenembaums”)

(Conversação em Inglês:Frases e Expressões Úteis- Flávio Cruz)


Annies Song- John Denver (com a letra)


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