sábado, 23 de junho de 2012

Word of the day: Cringe

Cringe: lisonja servil, bajulação, adulação, encolher-se de medo, dor ou repugnância, bajular, lisonjear servilmente para obter favores
Synonyms / definitions: blench, flinch, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, wince, to draw in or contract one's muscles involuntarily as from cold or pain,  to shrink in fear or servility, to behave in an excessively humble or servile way, to recoil in distaste
“Many English teachers cringe when their students use the word ‘ain't.’”
“I always cringe when I hear that song.”
“Just the thought of eating broccoli makes me cringe.”
“The dog cringed at the noise.”(www.merriam-webster.com)

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