segunda-feira, 31 de dezembro de 2012

Happy New Year!

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You

Stevie Wonder - I Just Called To Say I Love You
No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill your heart like no three words could ever do

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
baby of my heart 

domingo, 30 de dezembro de 2012

Word of the day:Retch

Retch: ânsia de vômito,  fazer esforço para vomitar
Synonyms: barf, gag, heave, hurl, puke, vomit, spew, spit up, throw up
“The smell of rotten cabbage makes me retch.” (

see to it

see to it (that something is done)
(assegurar-se de que algo aconteça ou seja feito, tomar responsabilidade no sentido de que algo seja feito, providenciar)
"Will you please see to it that this machine is repaired?  =  Você, por favor, pode  providenciar que esta máquina seja consertada?
John McCain seeks to duplicate the chaos of his election effort with his team . Let's see
to it that this mess remains a theory... (Newsweek, October 31, 2008)   -  …Vamos nos assegurar de que esta confusão fique na teoria...

sexta-feira, 28 de dezembro de 2012

Word of the day: Squelch

Squelch: golpe pesado, som de esmagamento, resposta esmagadora, silenciar, esmagar, desconcertar, fazer um ruído como quando se anda em lama ou neve derretida, chapinhar
Synonyms: clamp down, crack down,, crush, put down, quash, repress, slap down, squash, subdue, suppress

“…immediately squelched any signs of rebellion…”
“His irritated glare squelched any other potential objectors.” (


Para comprar no Brasil 
( impresso e e book):

À procura de Lucas  (Flávio Cruz)
Para comprar nos EUA:


quinta-feira, 27 de dezembro de 2012

Word of the day: Nifty

Nifty: bonito, elegante, estiloso
Synonyms: awesome, bang-up, banner, beautiful, dandy, divine, great, groovy, high-class, hot, superb, swell, terrific, wonderful

“…a nifty pair of shoes…
“This nifty little machine can do just about anything.” (

Hair / rare / her

cabelo, pelo
( pron. pessoal e poss. rel. a “she” )
a parte traseira, o fundo, retaguarda, última fileira, traseiro, assento, nádegas

quarta-feira, 26 de dezembro de 2012

Word of the day: Pleather

Pleather: imitação de couro, plástico que imita couro
Synonyms / Definition: imitation leather, plastic Leather blend of plastic and leather, a plastic fabric made to look like leather

“... in the airy living room of a Tuscanized Malibu mansion, where the décor included a huge wood sculpture perched atop a pair of red, high-heeled pleather boots.” (

Quite a few, quite a lot

quite a few
By now I have quite a few good books at home. = A esta altura eu tenho muitos livros bons em casa.
There are quite a few good men in this town.  = Há muitos homens bons nesta cidade.
quite a lot
(muito, muitos)
There were quite a lot of people in the plant that day. = Havia muita gente na fábrica aquele dia.
I saw quite a lot of policemen in front of Peter’s house.  =  Eu vi muitos policiais na
frente da casa de Peter.

terça-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2012


Funny quotes:

"Insanity is hereditary. You get i from your children."

Word of the day: Burp

Burp: arroto, arrotar, fazer arrotar (criança)
Synonyms: belch, eructation
“…felt embarrassed when a burp escaped from his lips as the table was being cleared…” (

Put to sleep

put (someone / an animal) to sleep  

(fazer alguém ou um animal dormir  sob efeito de drogas ou anestesia)

The doctor told the patient that he would put him to sleep before the operation.= O médico disse ao paciente que o anestesiaria antes da operação.

put (someone) to sleep

( fazer alguém dormir / ficar com sono por ser enfadonho, chato)

The movie was so dull that it put me to sleep. = O filme era tão “chato” que me fez dormir.

put (an animal) to sleep

(sacrificar um animal)

Our cat was so old and sick that eventually we had to put it to sleep. = Nosso gato estava tão velho e doente que no final tivemos de sacrificá-lo.

segunda-feira, 24 de dezembro de 2012

Silent Night

Video: Olivia Newton John ( Silent Night)

Susan Boyle - Silent Night

Silent Night (Letra e vídeo)



Funny quotes:

"I intend to live forever. So far so good."

pull (something) off

pull (something) off

(conseguir algo, obter algo)

That achievement  wouldn't be as easy to pull off as she thought.  = A proeza não seria tão fácil de se conseguir como ela tinha pensado.

It was difficult to pull off the right results. = Era difícil de se obter os resultados corretos.

Pull off usa-se também em seu significado normal de “tirar”, “sacar”

She didn’t stop speaking even to pull off the expensive pair of shoes she was wearing.  = “tirar o caríssimo par de sapatos” 

domingo, 23 de dezembro de 2012

Christmas Countdown - Paul McCartney

Christmas Countdown - Paul McCartney


Funny quotes:

" Everyone has a photographic memory. Some are just out of film." 

Word of the day: Maim

Maim:  mutilação, deformidade, mutilar, desfigurar
Synonyms: cripple, disable, incapacitate, lame, mutilate
“The bomb killed 16 people and maimed several others.”
“On-the-job accidents maim far too many workers every year.”  (

round-trip ticket

 round-trip ticket
(passagem de ida e volta: trem avião, ônibus, etc)
We decided to purchase a round-trip ticket.  = Nós decidimos comprar uma passagem de ida e volta.

sábado, 22 de dezembro de 2012

Celine Dion- Oh Holy Night

Vídeo com letra: Celine Dion -Oh Holy Night

Word of the day: Unravel

Unravel:  desemaranhar, desembaraçar,desfibrar desfiar, desenredar, esclarecer, elucidar, separar
Synonyms: disentangle, ravel (out), unbraid, unlay, unsnarl, untangle, untwine, untwist, unweave
Police are trying to unravel the mystery of their sudden disappearance.”
 “There were worries that the peace process was beginning to unravel.” (

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Vídeo com letra: We Wish You A Merry Christmas

play the fool

play the fool 
(agir como tolo ou  idiota)
Some of our classmates would play the fool when they were in trouble.  =  agiam como idiotas quando estavam com algum problema.
Tom’s parents asked him to stop playing the fool in front of their new neighbors. =  Os
pais de Tom pediram a ele para parar de agir como idiota na frente dos novos vizinhos.

sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2012

Word of the day: Shaman

Shaman: xamã: mago, feiticeiro, pajé
Definition: in some religions, someone who has the power to talk to spirits and cure illnesses / a priest or priestess who uses magic for the purpose of curing the sick, divining the hidden, and controlling event
“She visited the shaman of the tribe so that he may rid her of her horrible affliction.” (

Behind the times

Behind the times: antiquado, que tem ideias ultrapassadas
 “How can we be a successful company if our executives are so behind the times that they don't know what people want these days?”
 “Neil is really behind the times. He doesn't even know what rap music sounds like!” (

pull a stunt

pull a stunt (or trick)
(enganar, pregar uma peça, fazer algo arriscado e tolo)
Our teacher told him not to pull such a stupid stunt. =  Nosso professor disse a ele para não fazer algo tão arriscado e tolo.
Mark tried to pull a trick on his classmate. = Mark tentou pregar uma peça em seu colega de classe.

Obs.: publicity stunt: golpe de publicidade

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Crônica: O fim do mundo no dia 21

Crônica: O fim do mundo no dia 21

Word of the day: Sickle

Sickle:  foicinha, foice.
Definition: an agricultural implement consisting of a curved metal blade with a short handle fitted on a tang / the cutting mechanism (as of a reaper, combine, or mower) consisting of a bar with a series of cutting elements
“He took the sickle from my hands to cut off a flower.“

a ballpark figure

a ballpark figure | a ballpark estimate : uma quantia aproximada, um número próximo do correto ou verdadeiro
“We don't know the exact cost, but a ballpark figure would be around six million dollars.” 
“I know you can't tell me exactly when it'll be finished, but can you give me a ballpark estimate?” (

Place an order

place an order 
(fazer um pedido  junto a uma loja ou fornecedor)
My wife  placed an order for a new oven.  =  Minha esposa fez o pedido de um novo fogão.
My friend told me that he liked my new watch and he had already placed an order for one that was exactly like mine.  = … e ele já tinha feito o pedido de um exatamente igual ao meu.

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

The Most Wonderful Time Of The Year

It's the most wonderful time of the year
With the kids jingle belling
And everyone telling you "Be of good cheer"
It's the most wonderful time of the year
It's the hap-happiest season of all
With those holiday greetings and gay happy meetings
When friends come to call
It's the hap- happiest season of all

There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of
Christmases long, long ago

It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistltoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When love ones are near
It's the most wonderful time of the year

There'll be parties for hosting
Marshmallows for toasting
And caroling out in the snow
There'll be scary ghost stories
And tales of the glories of
Christmases long, long ago

It's the most wonderful time of the year
There'll be much mistltoeing
And hearts will be glowing
When love ones are near
It's the most wonderful time
It's the most wonderful time
It's the most wonderful time
It's the most wonderful time of the year

Go out of business

Go out of business:  parar de fazer negócios, fechar a firma, fechar o negócio
“A lot of companies went out of business during the economic recession.”
“What will you do if your company goes out of business?”(

picture oneself

picture oneself 

(Imaginar-se, colocar-se)

Picture yourself in a boat, on a river….(J. Lennon and P. McCartney))  - Imagine-se em um barco, num rio…
By then, he was picturing himself in a prison cell, but all of a sudden the officer said he could go, everything was OK.=  A essa altura ele já estava se imaginando numa cela de prisão, mas de repente,...

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012

Get your act together

Get your act together:  melhorar a performance ou atitude em relação a seu trabalho, em relação à vida etc.
“You're in your thirties now, so it's time you got your act together and started behaving like a mature adult.”
 “Terry is trying to get his act together and do better in all aspects of his life.” (

Word of the day: Dangle

Dangle: bamboleamento,  o que bamboleia, dependura, bambolear, balançar, estar pendente, estar dependurado, oscilar,estar apegado, ficar em volta de alguém, fazer a corte a, seguir uma pessoa, tentar.
Synonyms: hang, sling, suspend, swing
“Let your arms dangle at your sides.”
“She sat on the edge of the pool, dangling her feet in the water.”
“He dangled a piece of string in front of the cat.”
“The money she dangled in front of him wasn't enough to convince him to sell.”
“They refused to accept the money that was dangled before their eyes.”  (