segunda-feira, 8 de abril de 2013

Herd, phony as a three-dollar bill

Herd:  rebanho, bando, manada, multidão de pessoas,  massa popular, arrebanhar(-se), agrupar(-se), pastorear
Synonyms: people, masses, mob, crowd, sheep
“She will rejoin her mother in the herd in three years when she has her first calf.”
“…Elizabeth Behrendt watches her little herd of pigs root about in the earth.”  (

Phony as a three-dollar bill / queer as a three-dollar bill: fajuto, falso, adulterado, falsificado
The whole deal stinks. It's as queer as a three-dollar bill.
Stay away from him. He's phony as a three-dollar bill. (


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