quinta-feira, 18 de abril de 2013

Word of the day: Headway + idioms...

Headway:  movimento para frente,  progresso, espaço livre sob uma ponte ou arco de ponte, intervalo de tempo entre trens, navios ou outros veículos que usam a mesma rota
Synonyms: advancement, furtherance, going, advance, march, onrush, passage, process, procession, progress, progression

“The ant was making little headway carrying a crumb that was about five times his size.” (www.merriam-webster.com)

Agree to differ / agree to disagree: Ccncordam que têm opiniões diferentes e não ficam tentando mudar a opinião do outro
“We're never going to think the same way about politics, so let's just agree to differ and leave it at that.”
 “Why don't they just agree to disagree instead of arguing about it all the time?” (www.englishclub.com)

vanish into thin air - desaparecer sem deixar traço  (The murderer vanished into thin air and was never seen again
vantage point - lugar, posição privilegiada
(the) vast majority - a grande maioria
vegged out - debilitado por drogas ou álcool
vouch for - garantir alguém, responsabilizar-se por alguém

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