sábado, 5 de abril de 2014

CLACK, KETCHUP, CATCH UP, Andy Williams : This Guy's In Love With You

Clack:  estrépito, estalido, som de batida ou pancada, fiada, tagarelice, taramela, tramela de moinho, estalar, tagarelar
Synonyms: rattle, clatter

“I heard her heels clacking down the hall.”
“He clacked his teeth together.”


Ketchup   X Catch up

Ketchup: molho picante com tomates  / a thick sauce made with tomatoes
“The dish is served with tartare sauce, malt vinegar and tomato ketchup on request.”
Catch up: alcançar, levantar rapidamente, emparelhar, ser envolvido em algo involuntariamente, fazer com aque alguma atividade volte ao seu estado normal, perder o atraso, atualziar  /  draw even, bring (another) up to date, seize or lift suddenly, brief, involve, often unwillingly
“,,,caught up to the leader on the last lap of the race…”
“He finally caught up with his brother in height.”
“…catch up on correspondence…”
“Let me catch you up on all the gossip.”
“ The wind caught up the umbrella and carried it off.”
“He was caught up in the scandal.”

“ I wawww.wordhippo.com) s caught up in the mood of the evening.”


Video: Andy Williams : This Guy's In Love With You

You see this guy, this guy's in love with you
Yes I'm in love who looks at you the way I do
When you smile I can tell we know each other very

How can I show you I'm glad I got to know you 'cause
I've heard some talk they say you think I'm fine
This guy's in love and what I'd do to make you mine
Tell me now is it so don't let me be the last to

My hands are shakin' don't let my heart keep
breaking 'cause
I need your love, I want your love
Say you're in love, AND YOU WILL BE MY GUY( in love with this guy), if not
I'll just die

Tell me now is it so don't let me be the last to
My hands are shakin' don't let my heart keep
breaking 'cause
I need your love, I want your love
Say you're in love, AND YOU WILL BE MY GUY ( in love with this guy), if not

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