terça-feira, 18 de setembro de 2012

Word of the day: Wince

Wince:  estremecimento, estremecer, tremer,  recuar, retrair-se (repentinamente, pelo susto),assustar-se, contrarir a face em resposta a uma dor ou desprazer
Synonyms: blench, cringe, quail, recoil, shrink, squinch, flinch /: to shrink back involuntarily (as from pain)
“…winced at the movie's graphic depiction of combat injuries…” (www.merriam-webster.com)
 “Things like the wince in the forehead, when you’ve been too sharp. Or the shadow across the eyes when you’ve hurt a feeling.”  (www. learning.blogs.nytimes.com)

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