domingo, 16 de outubro de 2011

at the very least

at the very least
 (no mínimo, pelo menos)
 At the very least, we should require greater transparency in stock options, including making sure that they receive appropriate accounting.(Newsweek, December 31, 2008)  =  No mínimo nós deveríamos exigir maior transparência…
He gave a good speech. At the very least, he explained some oh his most controversial ideas.  =  Pelo menos ele explicou algumas de suas…
At the very least, Chinese lesbians and gay men now organize more and more community events, including a gay cultural center in Beijing …(Newsweek, June 13, 2009) = Pelo menos, agora lésbicas e “gays”chineses organizam mais e mais eventos comunitários, incluindo um um centro cultural em Pequim…

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