segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011

What's up?

What's up?

Para que os cãezinhos brasileiros entendam: O que foi?  O que se passa?

Uma maneira "funny"de se explicar a pergunta é consultar  o "Urban Dicitionary"

what's up
An extremely annoying question that has (unfortunately) replaced "Hello" or "Hi" as the most popular form of casual greeting. For full effect, best delivered while walking past someone at about 90 m.p.h. so the person you're talking to has no time to respond, and in a tone that suggests you really don't give a shit about "what's up" with them.
Dude #1: "Hey, man. What's up?" 
Dude #2: "Uh..." (what he managed to get out before Dude #1 was already too far away to hear the rest of what he was going to say)
what's up
see also: whazzup, whassup, whasabi!!, etc. 
1. Hi
2. Wtf is wrong with you??

It's probably originated from the late 20th century, when people were astounded with the sky. The only thing that they would reply was "nothing"

Probably the first term to the decline of western civilization
1. Person 1: What's up? 
Person 2: "Nothing" (most common response, maybe 99% of people say that)

2. Person 1: What's up?
Person: "The sky" (smart alleck answer: also: "the ceiling" or, "da roof")

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